


根据阅读源码的仔细程度,主要分为三个阶段/粒度:Module Level,Class Level,Detail Level

Module Level


Class Level


比如, 下面这两张图是我看 Chromium 网络库中 DNS 解析相关的代码时画的。第一张图帮助理清该模块有哪些源文件以及他们之间的关系。


Detail Level

经过前面两个阶段,对源码有了宏观上的认识,Detail Level 是根据具体需求,更加细粒度地研读代码,比如研究某个函数的实现细节,优化思路等等


知乎,HackNews 上有很多讨论此类话题的帖子:


通读一遍官方文档和 demo






横向分层,纵向分块。代码都是分模块的,有的是 core, 有的是 util,parser 之类的,要知道看的是哪一层,那一块

Deep Dive

I start with a relatively high level interface point, such as an important function in a public API. Such functions and methods tend to accomplish easily understandable things. And by “important” I mean something that is fundamental to what the system accomplishes.

Then you dive.

Your goal is to have a decent understanding of how this fundamental thing is accomplished. You start at the public facing function, then find the actual implementation of that function, and start reading code. If things make sense, you keep going. If you can’t make sense of it, then you will probably need to start diving into related APIs and - most importantly - data structures.

This process will tend to have a point where you have dozens of files open, which have non-trivial relationships with each other, and they are a variety of interfaces and data structures. That’s okay. You’re just trying to get a feel for all of it; you’re not necessarily going for total, complete understanding.

What you’re going for is that Aha! moment where you can feel confident in saying, “Oh, that’s how it’s done.” This will tend to happen once you find those fundamental data structures, and have finally pieced together some understanding of how they all fit together. Once you’ve had the Aha! moment, you can start to trace the results back out, to make sure that is how the thing is accomplished, or what is returned. I do this with all large codebases I encounter that I want to understand. It’s quite fun to do this with the Linux source code.

My philosophy is that “It’s all just code”, which means that with enough patience, it’s all understandable. Sometimes a good strategy is to just start diving into it.




一般的中小型项目,选择一个用的顺手就行。我个人喜欢用 VS Code 和 Source Insigth。但是如果是代码量很大的项目,比如 Chromium,Linux 等,动辄就几千万行代码,一般的 IDE 是扛不住的。我曾经尝试用 VS Code 和 Visual Studio 读完整版的 Chromium 源码,结果查找一个符号的 reference 就卡到崩溃。最终我只好打开部分模块,这样基本是可以解决刚才所说的问题,但是前提是你要读的这部分代码相对比较独立;如果依赖很多模块的话,那么可能要丢失一些依赖或引用信息了。 所幸的是,Google 推出了一个在线阅读 Chromium 源码的方案: https://cs.chromium.org/ ,在这个也可以快速方便地阅读完整版 Chromium 源码,更棒的是,可以非常快速地查找引用,调用关系,修改历史,declarations, definition 和 class 的 outline 等等。 其他大型的项目一般也是有在线阅读的方案,如果是在没有,可以自己搭建一个这样的服务;Google 开源了一个 Code Search 的工具,具体细节可以在这里


我个人喜欢用 XMind 和 https://www.websequencediagrams.com/